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Utility costs included

Cleaning included

Insurance included

Why book with Landfolk?

Excellent Trustpilot

Don't miss out on these true gems available right now at an exclusively great value before it's too late.

Holiday homesExclusive offers

350+ holiday homes in this Collection

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Experience randonee skiing in winter
Highlight from the host Hilde
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Instant book

Unique cabin with fantastic panoramic window in the mountains

Øksendal, Norway7 guests

-17%€300 €249/night (29 July 3 August )

incl. utility costs, cleaning and insurance

Instant book
New gem
Norefjell, Norway12 guests

-17%€322 €267/night (2 7 July )

incl. utility costs, cleaning and insurance

Instant book
New gem
Kirke Såby, Denmark14 guests

-17%€1,014 €839/night (4 9 July )

incl. utility costs, cleaning and insurance

Instant book
Ryfoss, Norway7 guests

-18%€219 €180/night (24 29 August )

incl. utility costs, cleaning and insurance

Instant book
Schleswig-Holstein, Germany8 guests

-5%€328 €312/night (10 15 July )

incl. utility costs and cleaning

Instant book
Orø, Denmark7 guests

€297/night (5 10 July )

incl. utility costs, cleaning and insurance

Instant book
New gem
Niedersachsen, Germany6 guests

-18%€358 €294/night (2 7 July )

incl. utility costs and cleaning

Instant book
New gem
Tisleidalen, Norway8 guests

-17%€226 €188/night (5 10 July )

incl. utility costs, cleaning and insurance

Explore all our holiday homes in this Collection
Nibe, Denmark

3 reasons to choose a Landfolk holiday home

All included in one price

All included in one price

Cleaning, insurance and utility costs are always included in the price you see. Allowing you to focus on your trip, not the electricity meter.

Flexible booking

Flexible booking

There's no Saturday-Saturday here. Go on a workation with your colleagues during the week or enjoy the weekend in scenic surroundings with your loved ones.

Handpicked holiday homes

Handpicked holiday homes

Our favourite thing is finding unique and personal holiday homes that you most likely won't find anywhere else.

All included in one price

All included in one price

Cleaning, insurance and utility costs are always included in the price you see. Allowing you to focus on your trip, not the electricity meter.

Flexible booking

Flexible booking

There's no Saturday-Saturday here. Go on a workation with your colleagues during the week or enjoy the weekend in scenic surroundings with your loved ones.

Handpicked holiday homes

Handpicked holiday homes

Our favourite thing is finding unique and personal holiday homes that you most likely won't find anywhere else.

Why rent out through Landfolk?

You will be in the best company with other handpicked holiday homes and you can share it flexibly and on fair terms.

No lock-in period

You decide when, to whom and how often you rent out.

Personal connection

Your guests treasure the holiday home life as much as you.

Fair fees and terms

Only 5% of your earnings go to Landfolk.

We are here for you

We create your holiday home profile, take care of the marketing and are always happy to answer your questions.

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    You can also split the payment and only pay 25% to secure your booking.

    Danish companyAll included in one price
    Excellent Trustpilot