
Holiday Homes in Ribe

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Utility costs included

Cleaning included

Insurance included

Why book with Landfolk?

Excellent Trustpilot

Explore the charming town of Ribe, Denmark's oldest town with a rich history dating back to the 8th century. Wander through the well-preserved medieval streets, admire the stunning Ribe Cathedral, and discover the quaint shops and cafes that give this town its unique character. Ribe is the perfect destination for a peaceful and authentic Danish getaway.

Holiday homesRibe

2 handpicked holiday homes

Explore all our holiday homes
Sleep under a thatched roof in historic Danish country style
Highlight from the hosts Zette & Michael
Explore the holiday home

Authentic farm stay near the Wadden Sea

Bramming, Denmark14 guests

€462/night (25 July 1 August )

incl. utility costs, cleaning and insurance

Brøns, Denmark4 guests

€186/night (15 20 July )

incl. utility costs, cleaning and insurance

Explore Ribe

Words from happy guests

The house from Zette and Michael is amazing. With 11 people we had enough space for sleeping, cooking, eating and chilling. The house is decorated with love. Everything was perfect preperated. If you like to cook, the kitchen has everything a cook or baker could desire. In the surrounding area you will find some small lovely cities, cool museums and amazing nature. The communication was quick and friendly. We met Zette and Michael in person, they are definitely amazig hosts. We enjoyed our stay a lot and would advice the house and area to families or big friend groups.

Nicole from Germany

Stay for 8 adults and 3 children

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Wadden Sea National Park

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Discover the tranquil island of Smøla, a hidden gem off the west coast of Norway. Explore the rugged landscapes, hike through lush forests, and immerse yourself in the serene coastal atmosphere. Smøla offers a perfect escape for those seeking a peaceful and authentic Norwegian experience.


Discover the charming village of Gausta, nestled in the heart of Norway's stunning natural landscapes. Explore the nearby hiking trails, where you can immerse yourself in the serene beauty of the mountains and forests. Spend your days relaxing in the cozy atmosphere of this picturesque destination, making memories that will last a lifetime.


Discover the natural beauty of Telemark, a picturesque region in southern Norway. Explore the stunning fjords, hike through lush forests, and immerse yourself in the charming local culture. Telemark offers a perfect escape for those seeking a memorable holiday experience.


Discover the natural beauty of Sweden, a Scandinavian gem with a rich cultural heritage. Explore the serene landscapes, from the rugged coastlines to the tranquil forests, and immerse yourself in the country's charming small towns and vibrant cities. Whether you're seeking outdoor adventures or a relaxing getaway, Sweden offers a truly memorable holiday experience.

How to Landfolk

Choose a holiday home

Whether it’s in Denmark, Norway, Sweden or Germany, find the holiday home that’s right for you. If you need help, .

Request your stay

Choose the dates, number of guests and request your stay or instant book it right away.

Pay for your stay

After confirmation you’ll be asked to pay for your stay. If you instant book, you pay when you book.

Feel at home

You’ll receive your host’s Landfolk Guide before arrival to help you get the perfect stay.

3 reasons to choose a Landfolk holiday home

Cleaning included

Don’t worry about the cleaning – we’ll take care of it for you!

No surprises

At Landfolk you’ll only get one price, and that’s the price we show. .

Pay how you like

Whether you prefer to pay with card or bank transfer, all at once or split, !

Why rent out through Landfolk?

You will be in the best company with other handpicked holiday homes and you can share it flexibly and on fair terms.

No lock-in period

You decide when, to whom and how often you rent out.

Personal connection

Your guests treasure the holiday home life as much as you.

Fair fees and terms

Only 5% of your earnings go to Landfolk.

We are here for you

We create your holiday home profile, take care of the marketing and are always happy to answer your questions.

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    Monday-Friday: 9 AM-5 PM
    Saturday-Sunday: 10 AM-5 PM

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    Danish companyAll included in one price
    Excellent Trustpilot