
Join Amalie's cross-country skiing holiday in Sweden

Cold plunges, sauna sessions and a crackling fireplace – the perfect setting for a birthday cabin trip in traditional Swedish surroundings. Amalie, who is Project Manager and Social Media Manager at Landfolk, was gifted this trip for her birthday by her friends, siblings Mille and Nicklas and in this article, you can read all about their trip and how they made their getaway extra special.

Balancing a rich social life with close relationships and work is something most people can relate to. With a daily routine that includes remote work and days spent in one of Copenhagen's many coffee shops, Amalie, Mille - who works for a major furniture company, and Nicklas - who is an editor at a media house, all share a love for being active and spending time together far from the stress of city life.

Even if they only have a weekend at their disposal, it's the perfect way to recharge their batteries, especially during the dark winter months in the north. And what could be better than a cabin trip to Sweden with days on cross-country skis that leave their abs sore from laughter when they all love skiing?

Cross-country skiing in Sweden

What was the journey from Copenhagen to Ulricehamn like?

We got in the car and headed towards Sweden on a Friday afternoon after we had all returned home from work. 3.5 hours later, with a stop in Jönköping to buy a couple of delicious pizzas from the niche bakery Stuk for our first meal of the trip, we arrived at the traditional red cabin nestled beautifully in the snow-covered landscape by a forest lake.

What was the most important thing you looked for when choosing a holiday home for your getaway?

Several things were important. Firstly, that the cabin was surrounded by nature and at a reasonable distance from Ulricehamn Ski Resort, where we planned to go cross-country skiing. The opportunity for cold plunges in a lake and a sauna was crucial for us, and it was so nice that the cabin had a wood-burning oven and a well-equipped kitchen.


What were the top 3 things you appreciated the most about the holiday home you visited?

The things that made the trip extra special for me were the sauna, the beautiful lake and the lake we took cold dips in, and that there was a wood burning oven.

Explore holiday homes by a lake

You went to Sweden to go cross-country skiing. What preparations did you do in advance?

We rented both cross-country skis and ski boots at Ulricehamn Ski Resort, where you could even purchase a day pass to ski in the area.

What were your favourite things about the local area, and did you find any hidden gems you'd recommend to others?

Jönköping, the largest nearby city, offers great restaurants and shopping opportunities, while Ulricehamn has a charming pedestrian street with local shops and high quality Swedish bakeries where you can stroll along the large lake the city is built around. However, we spent most of our time in nature and the area around the cabin.

Tip: On the way home, we stopped by a large Swedish supermarket to buy lots of delicious local specialties. Swedish crispbread, good coffee, cheese, and locally made candies and snacks were at the top of the list.

Explore holiday homes in Sweden

Ice bathing

What kind of things do you spend time on when you’re away together that you can’t prioritise in everyday life?

We found time for well-prepared meals, many hours of skiing where we laughed and used a lot of energy, and relaxed at the cabin in front of the fire with waffles and good conversations.

We all appreciate slow mornings with delicious pastries and coffee, so we started each morning by heating up the sauna and removing the ice from the hole in the lake that had frozen overnight so we could take a cold dip, and prepared breakfast in the meantime. A nice little morning ritual that ensured a good start to the day before heading out on our skis.

Explore winter swimming in Scandinavia

Morning ritual

What is it about unplugging and going away with your friends that means the most to you?

Gathering around an activity we all enjoy, having time to truly get closer to each other, and having great experiences together that we don't have the opportunity to do in the same way in our everyday lives.

What does luxury mean to you when choosing a getaway with your friends?

Luxury to me is being able to spend time together. The external circumstances are a nice addition, but they don't really matter much.

Forest lake

Which memory from your trip will you look back on with the most joy?

The presence and joy of not having to do anything other than just being, skiing, and enjoying life at the cabin.

Where do you dream of travelling next?

We have already agreed to repeat the success and go back next winter. In the spring, we dream of biking out of the city, from Copenhagen to a nice cabin, perhaps on the west coast of Zealand.

Find a cabin for your next getaway

Guro Sofie Ulsaker Nordahl
Geschrieben von Guro Sofie Ulsaker NordahlFebruar 2024
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